I'm not sure who took over when Tom Clancy passed away but they are doing an awful job trying to cash in on the legendary writers name. If they fixed the netcode, and the annoying little bugs, I'm sure it could be a contender for CS:GO. You get around 300 renown/match, and you usually don't even get any XP or Renown from matches, due to a really annoying bug, and the ops (characters) start at 500, going up in increments of 500 up to around 2500 (I think.) It takes absolutely forever to unlock all 20 ops at this rate. But it's really infuriating with some of the issues that the developers failed to iron out after the closed, or open beta stages of development. There are so many little and large issues that I can't recommend anyone to buy it at the moment. Issues include laggy servers buggy netcode limbs poking through walls (leading to stupid deaths with many cheating accusations) not receiving any renown (credits used to unlock characters) or XP after matches the annoying (standard now) ubisoft payment plan, $60 for an incomplete game, then charge for credits to buy extra items and boosters to help unlock characters or items. But definitely not worth your $60 right now. Issues include laggy servers buggy netcode limbs poking through walls (leading to stupid deaths with many cheating accusations) not receiving any renown (credits used to unlock characters) or XP after matches the annoying (standard now) ubisoft payment plan, $60 for an incomplete game, then charge for credits to buy extra The game's good. Also, I don't care for campaigns, I never play FPS campaigns anymore, they really are all the same. I love everything about it, but if it had more maps, it would have a solid 10. I'd suggest you join a clan because pubbing alone is not a viable option. I won't go on about the details inside the game because I'd rather people discover it for themselves, but if you like hardcore teamwork games, this is high up that tree.

The ones griping about it play instant gratification FPS titles like COD which gets old almost immediately.